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How Does CBD Work on the Endocannabinoid System? Part One

Posted by Jack Boland on Mar 6th 2019

How Does CBD Work on the Endocannabinoid System? Part One

Enter, The Endocannabinoid System

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) plays an important role in your body, and it’s the major system where compounds from cannabis called cannabinoids (THC, CBD, and others) interact with your body. The word endocannabinoid can be broken up. ‘Endo’ is short for ‘endogenous’ which means originating from within the body, and ‘cannabinoid’ comes from ‘cannabis’ and refers to a group of organic molecules that stimulate or block specific neuroreceptors in our body. In whole, the name references that our bodies produce their own cannabinoid molecules and that the human body is receptive of both endogenous and exogenous (from outside the body) cannabinoids.

Key Functions

One major function of the endocannabinoid system is its role to maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis is the idea that many biological systems are regulated to maintain conditions within a narrow range. These self-regulatory functions are happening inside us at all times.

Some examples of these processes are maintaining body temperature, sugar levels, energy, and metabolism. Our endocannabinoid system supports homeostasis by utilizing cannabinoid receptors in our immune system and central nervous systems to either initiate or inhibit internal processes in response to our surroundings.

Another function of the endocannabinoid system is its role in neuromodulation, meaning regulating the speed of neurotransmissions. Our nerves communicate up and down a chain in both directions. Our brains can instruct our hand to move, and our hand can tell our brain it has touched a hot stove. The endocannabinoid system is critical in inhibiting neurotransmissions, and it’s postulated that 70% of our neuro function exists to modulate or slow down the other 30%, which is sending signals.

The latest research is only starting to scratch the surface of understanding the nuances of the endocannabinoid system and the positive effects of cannabis. Many studies can only draw correlations between the mechanisms inside the body and how various anecdotal experiences play out. Because of this, medical claims cannot be made as we don't yet understand all the variables involved.

Notable Research

Due to the lack of research and conducted studies, we do not make claims surrounding Cannadips products providing any kind of medical benefit. Cannadips products have not been approved by the FDA to diagnose, cure, treat, prevent any disease. However, this is a very interesting space when we consider disorders related to self-regulation and excessive neurotransmission; like attention deficit disorder (ADD), panic attacks, pain, anxiety, PTSD, seizure disorder, and more. One fact is that our bodies possess a mechanism that is very receptive to external cannabinoids, including phytocannabinoids (plant-based cannabinoids), that influence self-regulation.

Cannabis sativa, including hemp, is known to carry over 400 different types of cannabinoids. Arguably the endocannabinoid system has co-evolved in animals with the cannabinoid-rich natural environment over millions of years. Co-evolved to such an extent that every organ in human bodies contains receptors from these amazing plants.

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